Religious men and women conform to the idea that the Earth was created in seven days. Fact and proof play no role in their story.
Along the way free thinkers stray from the pack and go out on their own. Men and women have the power to do great things and make amzing discoveries.
In this town free thinkers are not welcome.
"People look at me as if I was a murderer. Worse than a murderer!" (Lawrence Lee 50)
A free thinking teacher has been made into a criminal for making his students think instead of listening to what others say.
"Brady- A man is on trial!
Drummond- A thinking man! And he is threatened with fine and imprisonment because he chooses to speak what he thinks" (Lawrence Lee 72) "Henry Drummond for the defense. Well!" (Lawrence Lee 27)
Henry Drummond is pulled in to be the defender of Darwimism in this court room. And he is losing from the start because no one in the town knows anything about evolution.
"Conform! Conform! What do you want to do- run the jury through a meat grinder, so they all come out the same?" (Lawrence Lee 47)"Then how in predition do you have the gall to whoop up this holy war against something you don't know anything about? How can you be so cocksure that the body of scientific knowledge systematized in the writings of Charles Darwin is, in any way, irreconcilable with the spirit of the Book of Genesis?" (Lawrence Lee 86)
Some students of Cates' class stand alone when they decide to support their teacher.
Every one is against him from the start including the judge.
"Ten minute Brady gets here, people gonna pour in. Town's gonna fillup like a rain barrel in a flood" (Lawrence Lee 12).
Unity through religion helps to bring in a religious team of prosecutors led by Matthew Harrison Brady attracting people from all over to come to the trial. They will stop at nothing to rid this town of Darwinism. Brady sees himself as a messenger from god in this courtroom.
"We must not abandon faith! Faith is the most important thing!" (Lawrence Lee 93)
"Reverend Brown, I know it is the great zeal of your faith which makes you utter this prayer! But is it possible to be overzealous, to destroy that whisch you hope to save-so that nothing is left but emptiness" (Lawrence Lee 67).
"Everything in the Bible should be accepted, exactly as it is given there" (Lawrence Lee 87).
Davenport was one of the attorneys working for the prosecution and he always seemed to be objection happy.
"I object to this, Your Honor. Colonel Brady has been called as an authority on the Bible" (Lawrence Lee 87).
"I protest! This is not only irrelevant, immaterial-it is illegal! I demand to know the purpose of Mr. Drummond's examination! What is he trying to do?" (Lawrence Lee 98)Brady really liked to twist the statements made by witnesses to make them all go against cates.
"Bert didn't say that!He was joking. What he said was: 'God created man in His own image- and man, being a gentleman, returned the compliment'" (Lawrence Lee 79)
"I'll tell you what he's trying to do! He wants to destroy everybody's belief in the Bible, and in God!" (Lawrence Lee 98)
Come watch Religion fight to keep evolution out of their schools and out of their towns.
Inherit The Wind
Coming to a theater near you in June 2010
"Ahhh, your old man's a monkey" (Lawrence Lee 5).
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